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Ethnomusicology - Flamenco NYC

I consulted with Prof. Adams (ethnomusicology) about the scope and methodology for carrying out ethnographic fieldwork to research flamenco music in New York, and I subsequently wrote a paper on the subject.




3D Printing

In an effort to create educational tools, I am 

exploring how to use 3D printing to create modular organ pipes and other wind instruments, whose acoustic properties can be changed by adjusting 3D printed pieces that modify the shape and dimensions of the embouchure. I displayed a poster on my research at the CEWIT conference.



Parkinson's Disease
During the Spring semester of 2014 I wrote an interdisciplinary grant proposal with two professors from the music department, and two professors from the physical therapy department. We received the grant that provided funds to create the protocol for a test to determine whether certain sounds are effective external auditory cues to help people with Parkinson’s Disease improve their gait. I created a touchpad user interface with Lemur and Ableton audio editing software. We used Max/MSP software to record data during the tests.




Recent Papers on Musicology, History & Analysis

Dvorak in America

Haydn Symph. 103


Late 16th Century

Composition in Europe

Flamenco in NYC 

Touch interfaces which I designed for the iPad, using Lemur software.

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